Following the disappearance of Curse Eclipse fell into shambles. Chaos reigned and cats deserted left and right, though a number of loyal supporters have remained. With so much trouble encountered in the city. many of those who had ventured out are only just returning. Eclipse's return marked a revitalization of the clan, though it remains to be seen if Eclipse will follow through with the inital plans of her mate Curse, or if his dream will crumble. On the wind however, things are stirring and the introduction of five new cats, city cats leaves something to be determined. How many others will find their way to the clan and disturb their peace? As it is Eclipse's healer Zorion has been saddled with saving the life of one of those five, one who has been gravely, perhaps mortally wounded by a fox. Yet everything the brillant healer has done has been fought against by the four traveling companions of the she-cat. But beyond the numerous intruders- for many have been coming and joining the clan- romance is blossoming. In a moment of softheartedness, the coldest, deadliest tom very secretly fathered a litter of kits that will be born in the beginning of Green Leaf to Fidget. Whether or not the one eyed tom Machari will claim them as his own, is yet to be seen. Though the one eyed tom is not the sole love-bird around, and an ongoing romance between Machari and Eclipse could lead somewhere dangerous. Then again, danger is Eclipse's game.
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As you wonder what in the nine hells that tomcat was talking about a burst of cold unwelcoming wind touches your fur. Your body shivers without your control, and you groan. What now? A yell, someone else groans and a mixture of scents hits you. You can't tell what they are right away, but you do believe one of them is blood. No, you know one of them is blood. A lot, it's like it's just mixed right into the new world around you.
You try to open your eyes and it stings it's so bright. It's not the same as before, what's going on? A poke to your ribs, and then a prod to your head. Groaning again, you fall back to sleep and forget the whole thing...

>Starting Guide
>Eclipse Cat Form